Thursday, April 25, 2013

Girl Rising is coming to L.A. Live

We have signed up to bring an incredible new film, Girl Rising, to our local movie theater. The film was created by 10x10, a global campaign to educate and empower girls.

Girl Rising tells the stories of 9 girls from around the world who face – and overcome – unbelievable obstacles on the path toward getting an education. Each girl’s story was written by an author and is narrated by a cast of great actresses, including Meryl Streep, Kerry Washington, Anne Hathaway, Salma Hayek, Alicia Keys, and others. The cinematography is stunning and we are really excited to see the film again, and to be involved in a global effort for girls’ education.

First, watch the trailer – it’s awesome:

You can sign up to buy a ticket for the movie here: A portion of Girl Rising ticket sales will help fund programs for girls, so seeing the film literally makes an impact on girls’ lives.

We are planning the screening for May 22nd at 5pm at the L.A. Live Stadium 14. Can you make it? If so, please sign up ASAP to see the movie and tell your friends to do the same! The film only comes to L.A. Live if at least 100 people sign up to see it. You will only be charged for your ticket if we succeed in booking the screening.

Here’s the link again:  And pass it on...we'd love to sell out the theater!

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